Favorite Skin Treatment


Mirconeedling with PRP would have to be my all time favorite skin treatment. The results are amazing and undeniable. I know, I know.. it looks crazy. I am a huge baby and literally hate getting my blood drawn but it is worth it. It surprisingly is not painful. Numbing cream is applied 30 minutes before the treatment and it works wonders. Your blood is drawn while you're numbing and spins in the centrifuge, which separates the plasma.

Numbing cream that is applied for 30 minutes.

Numbing cream that is applied for 30 minutes.

The pen used has tiny needles (hence the name) that help to stimulate new collagen production. Microneedling is used to treat everything from age spots, and wrinkles to scarring and other forms of hyperpigmentation. It also helps reduce the appearance of pores and even out skin tone. There is some downtime, however. You're probably going to leave horrified looking bloody and red..

Immediately after- nice and bloody ;)

Immediately after- nice and bloody ;)

it will be worth it, trust me! A few hours later, you're able to wash your face with a mild cleanser. The next day you will still be red but a lot less! By the third day, you'll be pinkish but basically back to normal (just a little dry!) I am fortunate enough to work at a Medical Spa so looking red or crazy is totally acceptable lol. This treatment is amazing for almost all skin types- if you have active acne, wait until it clears up because you will not be able to be treated. All in all- this treatment 1000% is worth it and will be your newest obsession.You'll forget all about that bloody face ;)


Yvette Alexis1 Comment